I recently met Alex Shalman at Affiliate Summit East and followed him on twitter. I was so impressed by his Twitter landing page I asked him to guest post about out it for me and you.
You can see his Twitter Landing Page here:
Guest post by Alex Shalman
Everyone and their cat are now on twitter. This makes twitter a very affective tool for communication, networking, broadcasting and marketing. For me it’s more of a personal play than anything else.
Many people use their website homepage as a landing page, but I decided to be different and do something that will make me stand out and educate the readers at the same time. Let’s look at how I did it:
1. Be Yourself. People don’t do business with business cards, they do business with people. This is your chance to put your personality in front of an audience, and create a lasting and positive first impression.
2. Videos. Nothing relays your personality as well as a video does. Even the best writers won’t get the type of rapport that you get from putting your face onto the screen.
3. Passions. It’s important to put a quick blurb about what your hobbies and passions are. Both because it’s more personal and because it really truly makes you stand out among the horde of people doing the same job.
4. Share Your Goals. Don’t forget to mention some of your biggest goals. Not only is it a way to stand out, sound ambitious, and be unique, but it opens up the door for partnerships or people to help you out.
5. Accomplishments. I’m not talking about full on bragging here. However, you should be proud of what you’ve done, and it does create an interesting story. This is almost like a press-kit that people will use when they tell others about you.
6. A Free gift. You want people to stick around and one of the best ways to do that is to offer a free gift in exchange for an opt-in. You promise to provide quality content, no spam, and a free gift for subscribing to your newsletter, and you know you’ll have their permission to borrow their attention.
7. Tour. Have you ever watched someone whose never been at your site browse it? Chances are they might be a bit confused, even if your layout is very friendly. Give people a quick overview of how to navigate your fortress.
8. Links. If you’ve been putting everything into a video so far, good job. Now you want to include links under the video to make things simple for people. You can use this area to recap what you said, because after all, not everyone can hear.
9. Call to Action. Even the best presentation can have people saying “ok, now what?” This is where you step up and let them know – subscribe, comment, buy, etc.
10. Brevity. I admit that at 3 minutes my video is too long. People’s attention span is getting shorter and shorter, so my next version will be half the size. Think in terms of brevity, transparency, and relevant.
Now that you know the 10 Elements of a Successful Twitter Landing Page, you can go ahead and create your own. Use whatever ideas you like, throw away what you don’t, and add some of your unique character.
Alex Shalman is the Chuck Norris of personal development. Follow him on twitter
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