Twitter Apps : Twtvite for Tweetups
Twitter and social media are all about community, conversation and connecting with new people, and “Tweetups,” or meetings with other local people on Twitter, have taken on a greater and greater role in the Twitterverse over the last 6 months. One of the defining characteristics of social media connections and especially Twitter is the sense of connection between Twitter users, no matter what you are using it for.
If you are on Twitter and want to organize a Tweetup, where do you start? Start with Twtvite, a new Twitter App for creating and managing Tweetups.
Twtvite is a great Twitter App to help you create Tweetup invites to start and manage your own Tweetup.
In essence, the app enables you to create a micro-invite for friends/ followers and then send a message with a shortened URL on both Twitter and Facebook. The link connects to the Twtvite site where invitees can RSVP and check on the event details, like name, time, place and an event description (140 characters long, of course).
From Felipe Coimbra, the creator other great Twitter Apps like twtpoll, twtBizCard, and twtcard (Twitter greeting cards), Twtvite is a great addition to any Twitter community.
You can find the creators at @twtapps on Twitter.
Twtvite for Tweetups
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