Twitter is a fantastic social media tool for affiliate marketing with a range of Twitter apps to help you be effective and efficient. Twitturly is one of those Twitter apps that can help you with metrics and analysis of your presence on Twitter.
In essence, Twitturly is a Twitter app that will track and rank the URLs that Twitter users are Twittering about. On the site they list the most Tweeted about URL’s with: the URL, the Number of Tweets, the 3 most recent Tweets, and give you the option to Tweet the URL.
The most recent change is the ability to filter out celebrity TwitPics and videos. If they are clogging up your stream (or you need a way to keep from the distraction!), Twitturly has a setting to keep them out of your Twitter stream.
Here is their tweet about the update:
Twitturly lets you filter out all the celebrity Twitpics and videos now. Bye bye celebs.
The advantages of knowing what URL’s people are Twittering about if you are in affiliate marketing or digital marketing pop right out. It can help with how you position your own products or website, give you ideas for links or partnerships, allow you to see if a particular awareness or product launch campaign is hitting the big time on Twitter or give you valuable examples of what IS hitting the big time that you can learn from.
Basically, Twitturly lets you know which URL’s are hot—and that can be a learning tool, a marketing tool, or a way to keep up with the ever changing landscape on Twitter!
Metrics and analysis of your presence on TwitterTwitter App: Twitturly (Twit-URL-y)