Tell me about your Blog?
My blog ramblings can be found at Blogging and Social Media Resources. The blog focuses on Internet Industry news, WordPress & Social Media Resources. I created the blog as a place to publish all the information I assimilate, sort of a notebook online. I write primarily to a female entrepreneurial audience. It’s a great place for women in business looking to promote their business brand and products online.
What was your first blog?
If by definition a blog is an online journal, my first blog was created in HTML in 1998. I journaled my pregnancy with my first son. I self taught myself HTML in 1997 using a book called HTML for dummies.
What is the biggest tip you would give to a newbie blogger?
Own your blog and think about future growth. There are many great blogging platforms out there providing a place to blog for ‘free’ but all of them limit your ability to add custom features as your blog grows. Get your own hosting and install WordPress.
What do advertisers do that you wish they wouldn’t?
Advertisers know their product but surprisingly I find they often don’t understand the importance of focusing their ad campaigns to a specific audience. How women use the Internet is different from men (as an example). Too many advertisers think they can make a banner and go. Advertising involves planning.
What do bloggers do that you wish they wouldn’t?
Not list their contact details and use blog themes that don’t take font types and contrasts into consideration. The blog is about your content first. You can have a wonderful theme but if it deters me from reading the content I won’t be back.
Where do you see growth in the blogging field?
I’d like to see more bloggers focusing on sharing their skills and knowledge. Professional blogs.
What new ideas are advertisers coming up with to take advantage of new trends?
I think advertisers and agencies are beginning to realize the importance of launching their campaigns online in conjunction with other media’s such as TV and print.
What do you do to improve the world?
I volunteer. As a family advocate and participate in my children’s school parent advisory councils. I also share my with non profits and small business startups.
What do you do that is green?
I pushed for curbside recycling in my small town (possibly the last town in Canada to develop a recycling program). I try to limit my paper consumption and driving (working from a home office greatly cuts down on fuel consumption). My parenting values encourage my children to grow up to be socially responsible global minded members of society.
What is one thing about you that not many people know?
Not everyone knows I am a single parent of three children. I do it all. I am sleep deprived by Friday and often have to spend Sat afternoon catching up.
What’s your favorite book?
I don’t have favourites in life. I enjoy variety. Right now I am reading Chicken Soup for the Soul – Power Moms and We Generation by Michael Unger PhD. I enjoy the odd sci fi trilogy and my industry reading is all online.
What is on your iPod?
I am outed. I do NOT own an I pod. I have a blackberry curve which contains my entire life, all my podcast downloads, music, and video.
What are your contact details (email, company, blog, facebook, myspace, forums, etc)?Karrine.hermedia @
Search for HerMedia on most any social network.
What events do you go to?
Very few at all. I work remotely on the most Beautiful Island in Canada. I hope to attend Blog Her next year and next year’s Affiliate Summits in Las Vegas and New York.
How do you prefer to communicate?
Text messages and twitter. I like to live in under 142 characters. It’s quick and efficient. Otherwise I pick up the phone.
Who would you recommend, and why?
Anna Love at Bravenet – I worked with Anna at Bravenet. Her industry experience and knowledge is amazing.
Shawn Collins – I worked with Shawn as an affiliate when he managed Club Mom. He is in my opinion THE affiliate insider everyone should follow.
Greg Hoffman – Greg knows affiliate marketing, he is a great mentor.
Missy Ward – Missy is an Affiliate Summit Founder
Geek Cast – Not a person but a podcast.
Katherine Scoleri and Joelle Reeder of one of my favourite blog designers
What is one thing people can do for you?
Tell other bloggers about an upcoming free telephone conference: Affiliate How To for Bloggers: Tues October 6th 2009 10 am PST
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