Too many posts to handle? If you missed out on a great post from last month, here’s a quick digest of the top posts that you may want to check out:
- Adknowledge Curtis Fullmer an interview at LeadsCon New York
Posted on Wednesday, September 9th, 2009 in Affiliate Marketing – Comments: (1)Adknowledge Curtis Fullmer an interview at LeadsCon New York. I was able to catch up with Curtis Fullmer Vice President, Affiliate Marketing at Adknowledge, Inc. a few weeks ago at LeadsCon New York. Curtis Fullmer is looking for affiliates and offers.Curtis Fullmer is also a bullfighter.Yes that really is him.
- Adrian Flux Insurance Group, Adrian Flux Scam
Posted on Wednesday, September 9th, 2009 in Murray Newlands – Comments: (6)Adrian Flux Insurance Group ScamI insured my motorbike with the Adrian Flux Insurance Group, Adrian Flux Insurance Group then refused to payout on my premium on a technicality, after it was stolen.Adrian Flux Insurance Group take it one stage further.I was paying the Adrian Flux Insurance Group by installments.
Posted on Sunday, September 13th, 2009 in Affiliate Marketing – Comments: (0)I am back on! Why was I taken off? Why am I back on? Not sure, but anyway I am back and I would recommend it as a great source of affiliate marketing news.What is” is an affiliate marketing news and blog aggregator that pulls in all the latest content from popular affiliate sites.
- Applied Cognetics Chris Coulthrust an interview at LeadsCon New York
Posted on Wednesday, September 9th, 2009 in Affiliate Marketing – Comments: (0)Applied Cognetics Chris Coulthrust an interview at LeadsCon New York 7184124788 Coulthrust@(nospam> take out the (nospam> Chris also says that Clickbooth have the best show pens!
- Berlin Blogs Top Ten
Posted on Thursday, September 10th, 2009 in Top Ten – Comments: (1)Going to Germany for business? Here are some blogs to get you in the know for your visit.Berlin Blogs Top Ten1. BerlinesqueSomehow, this blog has the local take on life in Berlin. It gives the perspective from someone on the street- not so much for the traveler as far as logistics, but good to look at to get a sense of the city.
- BlitzLocal Review, Local Business Marketing, Marketing for SME’s
Posted on Sunday, September 13th, 2009 in Review – Comments: (4)Dennis Yu Chief Executive Officer, BlizLocal, believes in providing transparent local business marketing BlitzLocal gives SMB owners all the tools and support needed to run a profitable internet marketing campaign and track their ROI. Dennis has staked his considerable reputation on the idea that business owners area capable and intelligent and will choose transparent, honest service over hype and ‘bright-shiny’ marketing.
- Blogger: Anne Younger
Posted on Thursday, September 10th, 2009 in Interview – Comments: (2)Tell me about your Blog?Forever A Younger is a place for me to share my everyday tales as I live, love and loathe my life as a wife and stay at home mom of 3. I share everything from my children’s accomplishments, family drama, arguments with my spouse right down to all of the things that led me to this point in my life.
- Blogging and Social Media Resources Blogger Karrine McFarlane an Interview
Posted on Wednesday, September 9th, 2009 in Interview – Comments: (6)Tell me about your Blog?My blog ramblings can be found at Blogging and Social Media Resources. The blog focuses on Internet Industry news, WordPress & Social Media Resources. I created the blog as a place to publish all the information I assimilate, sort of a notebook online. I write primarily to a female entrepreneurial audience.
- Business Advisory Service
Posted on Saturday, September 12th, 2009 in Affiliate Marketing – Comments: (2)Business Advisory ServiceThe Business Advisory Service offer a managed service that proactively reduces your unitiliy bills. You would happy sign up to change energy suppliers at home and save a few hundred pounds, signing up to a the Business Advisory Service can save your business tens of thousands.”Looking for a Commercial Electricity Supplier?
- Celebrity Twitter User Chad Ochocinco Innovates with Social Media Tools
Posted on Wednesday, September 9th, 2009 in Twitter – Comments: (6)Chad Ochocinco is a wide receiver for the Cincinatti Bengals who has taken up social media tools in general. He has a consistent presence on Ustream where he interacts with fans in a way that would make any social media consultant proud- it’s a real conversation. After watching pieces of a few episodes, it was obvious that he truly enjoys the ineraction and that he was not only answering questions from viewers but actually interacting with them as part of the show.
- eBay UK site deals outreach, eBay UK reach out to bloggers
Posted on Wednesday, September 9th, 2009 in Uncategorized – Comments: (0)eBay UK site deals outreacheBay UK reach out to bloggers at the London Blogging Meet up. If you have an affiliate blog selling eBay products the eBay team would love to hear from you. Please contact Rachel Byrne rachel.byrne@(nospam> take out the (nospam> or @rachelobyrne.
- Erotica blog writing, an interview with Julie Grissom
Posted on Saturday, September 12th, 2009 in Interview – Comments: (2)Erotica blog writing, an interview with Julie GrissomTell me about your Blog/Website/Business?My blog is . It’s HOT! because I both write and edit erotica, which is more fun than you can possibly imagine. It’s totally freeing, and allows my imagination and hormones to go wild.
- Facebook Marketing and Twitter Marketing for the Krystal Blitz
Posted on Friday, September 11th, 2009 in social media – Comments: (1)Facebook marketing and Twitter Marketing are both compelling and innovative fields not only for those who do most of their work online, like bloggers and website administrators, but also for any company that wants to craft an innovative campaign. The southern U.S. fast food chain Krystal did a social media campaign in August as part of their new product launch for the Krystal Blitz.
- Habitation of Justice an interview
Posted on Sunday, September 13th, 2009 in Uncategorized – Comments: (4)Tell me about your Blog?My blog is called the Habitation of Justice, and is a personal blog with a constantly evolving theme. At first I meant to use it to chronicle my experiences in law school and beyond, but when that didn’t work out, it plunged into an identity crisis of sorts before finally settling into a story telling format, where I share humorous anecdotes about my life with my audience.
- How to Compete, Chris Brogan misses the Trust
Posted on Friday, September 11th, 2009 in Murray Newlands – Comments: (5)Now I am a big fan of Chris BroganIn his recent post How to Compete Chris outlined ways to compete and while he listed great customer service as a key to competing in today’s economy amount other factors. I think that he missed a key point that beyond great customer service is his greatest strength Trust.
- LinkTrust President Bret Grow an interview
Posted on Thursday, September 10th, 2009 in Affiliate Marketing – Comments: (0)LinkTrust President Bret Grow an interviewTell me about LinkTrust.LinkTrust is a sophisticated, yet intuitive hosted software platform for affiliate tracking, ad network management and lead management. We’re recognized as an industry leader with outstanding customer support and platform reliability. Our clients are some of the most successful ad networks in the industry.
- London Blog Meetup
Posted on Wednesday, September 9th, 2009 in bloggers – Comments: (1)Last night London Blog Meetup was another great event. I would like to say thanks to eBay for their sponsoring the event. Andy did a great job in putting on the night, thank you Andy.
- Loretta Oliver, Easy Wahm Websites Interview
Posted on Thursday, September 10th, 2009 in Interview – Comments: (17)Tell me about your Company?Easy Wahm Websites was formed by myself and my good friend Val Selby as a way to help other people that wanted to work from home and get into blogging but just didn’t know how. The goal was to set them up with a blog, some starter content, and point them in the right direction with resources and ideas.
- Mickey Mouse UK Wave
Posted on Thursday, September 10th, 2009 in Murray Newlands – Comments: (0)Mickey Mouse UK WaveI got this great photo of Mickey Mouse while I was in New York for Affiliate Summit.
- NextWeb Media Aviv Nagpal an interview
Posted on Thursday, September 10th, 2009 in Affiliate Marketing – Comments: (0)NextWeb Media Aviv Nagpal an interview at LeadsCon New York. Aviv is looking for affiliates for US mobile offers.Aviv NagpalMedia BuyerNextWeb Media350 7th Avenue, 2nd FloorNew York, NY 10001anagpal@(nospam>nextwebmedia.
- Paris Blogs Top Ten
Posted on Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 in Uncategorized – Comments: (1)Ah, Paris. Whether you are going there for business, pleasure or both, it’s a city with much to offer. Here are some blogs to help you get started on your visit:Paris Blogs Top Ten1. The Paris BlogExpats blog of living and making it happen in Paris. Posts about everything from the city life to doing taxes.
- Restoration Media Allan Stone an interview
Posted on Thursday, September 10th, 2009 in Affiliate Marketing – Comments: (1)Restoration Media Allan Stone an interview at LeadsCon New York. Allan is looking for email marketing data to manage.allan stone | restoration media, inc.714.426.4500 x. 217 direct | 714.975.5501 fax | 949.394.5252 iPhonee-mail | allan@(NOSPAM)restorationmedia.
- SEO Checkup tool by Shoemoney – I want it and you should too
Posted on Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 in bloggers – Comments: (4)I have just seen this on, it is a great tool for doing SEO. I saw it had to (it must be becoming compulsive) blogged it and had to run for the train before I was finished. So what does the SEO Check up tool do?
- Social Media and Business Conference
Posted on Sunday, September 13th, 2009 in social media – Comments: (1)Social Media and Business ConferenceWant to know more about how to use social media in your business then this is the conference for you.Who Social Media In Business Conference For?The attendees include a variety of people with job roles ranging from CEOs through to Marketing Managers, Public Relations, Human Resources, Advertising Creatives, Marketing Heads, Head of Communications, and IT policy makers.
- Social Media Disaster, Trust and Winning Trust Back
Posted on Friday, September 11th, 2009 in Murray Newlands – Comments: (19)Social Media Disaster, Trust and Winning Trust BackWhat would you do, ask the experts?A few days ago I blogged about the Adrian Flux Insurance Group with whom I am having some challenges. Adrian Flux’s reaction was to comment on my blog using a FAKE name from a FAKE company they use within their social media out reach.
- Tim Jones, The Real Tim Jones
Posted on Monday, September 7th, 2009 in Uncategorized – Comments: (1)I meet Tim Jones in New York at Affiliate Summit East. http://therealtimjones.comTell me about your Blog?My blog is The “Real” Tim Jones and that’s what you get, the real “me.” I talk about affiliate marketing, social media, blogging, personal development, travel, and entrepreneurship. I am an internet entrepreneur and have been involved in all these things for over 10 years.
- Word-of-Mouth Marketing and Facebook Marketing Creating Cause Marketing for Social Good
Posted on Monday, September 7th, 2009 in facebook marketing – Comments: (6)Kari Dunn-Saratovsky, the VP of Social Innovation at the Case Foundation, gave a great speech at Mashable’s Summer of Social Good Conference about how social media is used for what the Case Foundation does. The Case Foundation, founded by husband and wife Jean and Steve Case, is a Foundation dedicated to “reflect their family’s commitment to finding lasting solutions for complex social challenges.
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