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Social Media and it’s cross-pollination of content

Social Media is an umbrella terminology for different facades of media that has many branches. We are slowly learning that social media is something that takes time. It takes a lot of effort. But there are ways of streamlining your message so that you cross-pollinating content and merge your thoughts into structure instead of individual content messages with different mediums.

Social media is all about words, words and phrases that have reference, words that create meaning and evoke emotion but also drive search engines to find you rather than your competitor. You can ask 2 people to search for a topic and they will go about it in 2 very different ways. We need to be aware of this and ensure that the keywords used maximize your chance of consumers coming across your content. You can use a free tool like Google analytics. Try and key in a mixture of over 20 phrases and key words to increase the chance of your search coming up first time. Be sure not to go overboard and use keyword spamming – that is just annoying.

Content is KING. Make sure you are on top of your content. Let the content be seen coming through in all your mediums. It might be repeated but it will bring the message home. If you have something interesting to say, people will want to listen. It can also be a way of directing people to their preferred choice of social medium.

Frequency, make sure there is a game plan with regards to the different amount of times you are going use different mediums and what message you are trying to get across. Ie Twitter is something short and catchy whereas an e-mail is for something that could be more content heavy to explain or even a call to action.

It is important that you are realistic with your campaigns you are not always going to get the response that you want but it is important to keep re-adapting your campaigns. The trick is to get your social media to work for you by developing the content that can maximize its resourcefulness in all mediums.

Lianne du Toit

One comment on “Social Media and it’s cross-pollination of content

  • Erniewright says:

    Now a days Social Media become most popular and everyone is addicted to it. Social media is now famous for promoting website.

    Ernie Wright

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