Chatbots are here and they are ready to stay. The chatbots change the way how we interact with customers, today, every business has chat bot in their communication channels.
If you think that building a chat bot will take you weeks, hiring a developer or even learning how to code – You are wrong!
Using Chattyeople platform is very easy to use, it`s prebuild and you can be customized it by your preferences.
In order to create a Messenger chat bot, you must have a Facebook page and a Facebook app first. Creating a Facebook page is simple enough but creating the app so that it can work with ChattyPeople will take a little guiding through so we will tackle that here. If you don’t have a Facebook page already, go ahead and make one first.
Huffington post made a step by step tutorial how to use chattypeople and How To Make A Facebook Messenger Chatbot Without Coding
Make sure to read it and make your own free bot today!
Posted by Maya S.