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Traditionally, one of the best ways to generate website traffic has been to offer freebies.

However, in an online world now overcrowded with free content, it’s becoming more difficult to stand out from the rest and market yourself. While it’s still possible to effectively use freebies, you must understand the tricks of the trade and use them effectively.

Here are three tips for effectively marketing your website with freebies to help you stand out in the overcrowded blogosphere.

Set up Your Website

This is the first fundamental step in marketing yourself. Even if you have a successful Instagram or TikTok channel, make sure to set up your own site to rank for your name.

Wix is a great platform to do that easily, without facing any technical issues. Wix handles everything, from domain name to hosting. Wix offers coupons to make the whole process very affordable.

Create Quality Content

Since the online world is now so overcrowded with bloggers, marketers and others trying to increase traffic to their websites, you can no longer post free content and expect readers to come knocking. While free content can still be effective at generating traffic, the free content you create must be useful and relevant. It doesn’t matter which industry you’re attempting to break into, quality content wins. Always.

Online audiences can smell marketing ploys and useless content from miles away. As such, if you aren’t creating relevant material, those audiences won’t waste their time browsing your website. Moreover, audiences certainly won’t be willing to invest in your products if your free content isn’t even of use to them.

A great example of free awesome content being given away for free is the popular niche of coupon code aggregators. Sites like Rather Be Shopping get updated daily with hand-picked content on latest deals and steals. Coupled with natural desire of shoppers to save money, this model creates multiple successful projects. According to Kyle, the owner Rather Be Shopping, his site currently generates over 6 million a year in sales for the stores listed there.

Build Trust With Free

Very few online users will pay for online services without understanding the quality they’ll be receiving. When making a name for yourself online, an effective tactic is to first offer free content and, as your audience grows, transition to paid services. This is effective because you’ll gain the trust of your audience members and will provide evidence that your content is worth purchasing.

This tactic can be used in many different ways depending on the industry you’re serving. For example, you could first offer free blog posts on effective training techniques and, as your readership grew, implement a paid membership service for your consulting work on developing training workshops. Or you can create an email newsletter and give away content while soft-selling your books or products.

There are a lot of free products online. For example, some of the best WordPress plugins are free!

Influencer marketing is another example of how businesses can build income by giving away free stuff. According to Megaphone Marketing, businesses make millions with influencer marketing.

Many successful website developers continue offering free content even after implementing paid services, which can be effective, since it will offer future visitors a flavor of the value available in your paid services. The Smart Passive Income Blog is one example of how free content can be used along with paid services, such as eBooks.

Announce and Advertise

You may be offering the greatest free content the online world has ever witnessed, however, if you aren’t telling others about it, chances are audiences will never discover it. An important aspect of effectively using free to market your services is to spread the word via several online outlets.

Investing in high-quality ad creation goes a long way! These can include advertising, guest blog posts, Facebook, Twitter and more. With every new venue you use to announce the free content, your website will become more popular.

Much debate exists online regarding the value of free. While free blog content has flooded the online world in recent years, there is still value in free if you use it effectively. By creating quality content and demonstrating the value you offer to your website’s visitors, you can create a strong online following and break into your target industry.

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