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You have made your chatbot, and you want it to be successful; after all, that`s why you created one in the first place.

Today, you can find chatbots in every corner, but not many of them have users. The reasons are that chatbots are not designed well, do not interact well, and don`t have a good conversational flow, along with several others.

Let’s see how to get as many users for your chatbot as possible:

Promote Your Bot

How do you think that people will know that you have a chatbot if they don`t know about it? Post about it on your social media accounts, send notifications with your newsletter and let people know in your promotional ads.

By reading this AI ChatBot Marketing Guide ─  How to Create a Successful Bot Marketing Strategy, you may find a few tips and tricks how to promote your chatbot.

Name it Uniquely

We have mentioned several times that your chatbot needs to have its own name that can be recognized by others. Also, give your bot a personality and people will have more fun engaging it.

Make sure that you find a unique name that will represent your brand. British Airways, for example, has a unique name for their chatbot, as they call it, The Butler, just like a butler, and people love it.

Make it Useful

The main reason for having a chatbot is to make it useful. Make sure that your chatbot gives solutions to your customers’ queries and gives menu options. In situations like this, it`s also good to have a tree of conversations, and this way, your chatbot will lead the discussion and your clients will be engaged.

What Languages do you Speak?

The internet connects people from all around the world. Making your chatbot able to speak in several languages will allow your users to be able to interact more.

Imagine that you have someone that doesn’t speak English and wants to know about your brand and your company? By offering multiple language options, your bot will be able to interact with more people that are speaking several languages.

Take Feedback

When interacting with your clients, your chatbot can gather feedback in a few simple steps. This will allow you to see how your chatbot is working. Feedback collected from your users may give you valuable insights, and you can see if you need to change something with your bot.

Posted by Maya S.