An Interview with Vince Stevenson, Founder and Education Director of the College of Public Speaking.
Tell me about your Speaking?
I am a founder of the College of Public Speaking. In three years of operation we’ve worked with BT (we are a niche supplier to BT), Ministry of Justice, Buckingham Palace, The Land Registry, HM Treasury, Deutsche Bank and lots of other large organisations and smaller organisations. Size it not an issue with us. We are determined to help anybody who has a desire to improve upon their communication skills. We also do a lot of pro bono work with charities, Oxfam, Marie Curie Cancer Care among others to assist their internal development.
Why are we successful? Because we understand people and their desire to be the best that they can be. We utilise tried and trusted techniques for improvement and deliver exceptional results.
What was your first Talk?
My first professional presentation as a new team leader 25 years ago (to the Board of the CWS in Manchester) was a disaster. I was overcome with fear and nervousness and made a right hash of it. At that point I decided that I had to do something positive if I wanted to get my point across and climb the management ladder. I think that my ability to empathise with nervous novice speakers helps to build a relationship of trust. I can guide and nurture them through the minefield of effective communication. I do not want to see anybody die on stage as I did.
What is the biggest tip you would give to a newbie Speaker?
Be yourself. Bring your personality and personal creativity to the table.
Take the opportunity to really express yourself in a positive manner.
What do Speakers do that you wish they wouldn’t?
Talking too quickly, reading from their notes (Did you see Micheal Martin’s resignation speech?), poor body language, overuse and inappropriate use of PowerPoint, poor structure, lack of preparation, and a lack of vocal energy. I could go on…
What was your most successful aspect of offline PR last year?
A couple of items spring to mind. We did some pro bono training with 30 marketing staff at Oxfam in Oxford. That was great fun. We also ran the inaugural College of Public Speaking Corporate Challenge at St Mary le Bow in the City of London. We are the first company to bring together the best speakers in industry and commerce across all sectors. We’re running it again this year in September and we have a fantastic line up of speakers. College of Public Speaking Corporate Public Speaking Challenge If you would like to enter, please accept this as your invitation.
What would you like to do to change the world?
One of my best friends is an international educationalist. He travels the world setting up educational projects and evaluates the effectiveness of other organisations’ educational work. He has worked in over 80 countries. Now that’s what I call a challenge. If education was ‘universally’ available, I’m sure the world would be a better place.
What do you do that is green?
I live between Bromley and Beckenham and I always walk to either of them. No matter the weather, I never take the car or the bus. I enjoy walking and the benefit of the exercise..
Where were you born?
A Brazilian wife and a 6 year old daughter
What is one thing about you that not many people know?
In 1995, I took a sabbatical. I went to south and central America for five months, travelling on a truck from southern Argentina all the way up to Mexico City. 5 months, 14 countries visited and a thousand adventures.
What’s your favorite book?
Our man in Havanna – Graham Greene
What is on your iPod?
Billy Idol, Coldplay, Aha, BBC Complete French, Bach, Vivaldi, Verdi, Puccini, Purcell. Bit of a mixed bag.
What are your contact details (email, company, blog, facebook, myspace, forums, etc)?
Vincent Stevenson
Education Director
College of Public Speaking
[email protected]
What events do you go to?
I’ve been attending a few networking events recently, Econsultancy, Business Link, Daily Telegraph Business Club.
How do you prefer to communicate?
Face to face is always the best – email is great, and I’m a big fan of Twitter.
What is one thing people can do for you?
Please follow me on Twitter – getting lots of positive reaction to my postings.
Thanks to Vince Stevenson, Founder and Education Director of the College of Public Speaking !
45 comments on “An Interview with Vince Stevenson, Founder and Education Director of the College of Public Speaking”
Yes, I think my 15 minutes was fun… Rgds Vince
Hello Vince, How many years have I known you and you never mentioned South and Central America. When will I hear the low down on these 1000 adventures? Dave
Vince, I didn’t know you were such a mover and groover. This is big news in the office. Look forward to seeing you soon. Bye Sarah
Hi Vince, your a great trainer and leader. Thanks for all you’ve done at our club. Regards Jack
Yay Vince, long time no see, but I hear that you’ve been busy promoting the College of Public Speaking Corporate Challenge 2009. Good luck – it was fantastic event last year. Natalia
Hi Vince, Your 15 minutes of internet fame are lasting almost two weeks later. Your super team have come to the rescue tonight. I was in Bolivia in 1997. Was that one of your 14?
Hello Vince, World traveller, super technician, speaker/trainer and now internet celebrity. Is there no end to your talents? See you next week. Manu
I have had the fortune to connect with Vince via Twitter, so it was with much anticipation that I awaited this interview/article.
Vince is a natural Orator and extremely professional.However it isnt all about Business with Vince, he dotes on his family and includes them in everything he does.
Congratulations Vince.
Im sure this interview/article will be the first of many.
Carolyn Jones MBA
Hey, nice post, really well written. You should write more about this.
Is that the Vince Stevenson, Vince from Manchester? I think you still owe me a tenner from 1985. Speak to you soon. Bill
Hello Vince, remember me from your PowerPoint masterclass? Thanks for all your help and support both in the class and for the subsequent coaching. Your assistance has given me great confidence which helps me communicate better at work. Salut Tom
Great stuff Vince
Wonderful press release. See you soon.
Hello Vince, Great interview. Glad to see that the College of Public Speaking is blazing the trail for others to follow. Well done and good luck with all your speaking initiatives. Mike
Vince old chap, I thought I asked you to keep in touch… Glad to see that life is treating you well and that you’re using your eloquent speaking skills to help others. Stay on the right side! Toby
Hello Vince,
Our paths could have crossed in Buenos Aires or Mexico City! Though much later, it was a great experience meeting you at the Beckenham Speakers Club. Many thanks for all your help.
Hello Gino, good to hear from you, glad to hear that your speech at your daughter’s wedding was a great success. Look forward to seeing yo in the coming weeks. Rgds Vince
Vince – great presentation skills workshop yesterday. If I could sum you up in one word, it would be – IMPACT! You rouck man!
Hello Vince, Great session last weekend, one of the most inspiring courses I have ever attended. Hope your daughter’s feeling better. See you soon I hope – Fred
Hello my name sake. How’s it going? Glad that you’re still leading from the front. Keep in touch old chap. Vince Johnson
Hi Vince, no wonder you spend so little time in the office while you’re busy in promotions. Regards Michael
Hi Vince, Not seen you for ages. Hope all is well with you and Natalia and Glaucia. Rgds Raymond
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