PayPerPost v4.0 is the latest version of the PayPerPost Platfrom. PayPerPost is a Advertising platform where you can pay for bloggers to write about you and review your site, products, or services. Some see is as it paid PR. I came to know the great service provided by Izea and PayPerPost through my friend the great @HeatherinBC who is a Ambassador for Izea (Izea the company behind the PayPerPost v4.0. ).
How it works? As a Blogger
If you have a blog you can sign up to PayPerPost and you find opportunities to write about. You write a post in your own words on your own blog and link to their product or service and get paid! Simple, no worrying about if they make sales from your traffic or anything like that.
How it works? As a Advertiser
Sign up and ask people to write about your product or service and let them know what you will pay. Simple
I have used PayPerPost in the past as an advertiser with some amazing results! While I do not write paid posts myself, I have many friends that do. The current system is ok but was challenging for a newcomer to it. I was lucky enough to get a key to the new system and get the chance to play! Ted Murphy Izea owner says “Advertisers will get more control over the blogs they work with. Bloggers will never have to fight for an opportunity again. Both parties will get the benefit of a flexible yet straight forward rating system. It’s really exciting for us and I think you will be excited too.”
PayPerPost v4.0 Review – My verdict
The new PayPerPost v4.0. is very web 2.0 and whomever the user interface designer is should get an award. The new site they is so easy to use and instinctive for the user. If only all user interfaces could be this well designed life would be so much happier. Well done PayPerPost Ted Murphy and the Izea Team.
To learn more about PayPerPost you can see the current system here
For more info follow @Tedmurphy, @IZEAinc and @HeatherinBC
One comment on “PayPerPost v4.0 by Ted Murphy and the Izea Team”
Thanks for the props, Murray, and glad you like the new system. We do have some very talented folks who work with us!
By the way, the main Twitter handle is @IZEAinc.
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