For the latest Twitter Competitions and Twitter Contests see my contests page.
See closes 30th August 09
Now Closed
Twitter Competition
Enter our 3rd Official Eros Day Twitter Competition as many times as you like by twittering sending the most creative and inspiring tweet to
@ErosDay @murraynewlands my #ErosDay entry on is :
Twitter Competition 1st place
The winner will have a Greek God or Goddess dedicated in their immortal honour and added officially to The Scroll of the Gods!
As if that wasn’t enough we will also be lavishing the winner from time to time throughout their lives with an array wonderful gifts from our,,, and services.
Twitter Competition 2nd Prize – The Twitter Competition 2nd place winner will also have a Greek God or Goddess immortalized officially in their honour on The Scroll of the Gods and will also receive a one time only wonderful rose gift worth many £100’s of pounds
Twitter Competition 3rd Prize – The 3rd place Twitter Competition winner will just have a Greek God or Goddess officially dedicated and immortalized forever in their honour on our Scroll of the Gods and be given a few free Name a Roses to name and share for friends and family!
Twitter Competition 4th to 10th Prize – The 4th to 10th Place Twitter Competition winners will each receive a free Name a Rose to name in any way they choose!
Running a Twitter Competition and want to promote it on this site? Please do get in contact.
6 comments on “Twitter Competition”
me puleeeze!
i would like to enter
Hi .I would like to enter and win thats it thanks.
Thanks Murray, you will one day dine at the table of the gods on Mount Olympus and be hand fed grapes from several beauiful nymphets!
Will be bloging about all your help on soon 🙂
Dear Murray,
We have just blogged a post ( thanking you for being our 1st ever blogger to blog about us!
You really do believe in a thing called Love, Blue Roses and Blogging!
Comments are closed.