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Online Marketing: Online Marketing, SEO, Web Design and Blogging Tips with James King from the ATM Multimedia Blog, an interview.


Tell me about your Blog?

The ATM multimedia blog is for people that wish to create a presence online. On the blog you will find tips on: search engine optimisation, web design, Internet marketing, new media, blogging tips and how to be successful online. Recently, the ATM multimedia blog has launched a podcast called “Internet marketing series podcast.” When we discuss methods of enhancing your online presence whether you are a blogger or a Webmaster.

What was your first blog?

The First blog was the ATM multimedia blog. Since its launch the ATM multimedia has gradually increased traffic and is now gaining momentum plus generating leads and gaining clients. As a web designer, I have clients in France and Australia, this is a great benefit of having an online when Internet can provide clients internationally.

What is the biggest tip you would give to a newbie blogger?

The best if I can give any blogger is never give up. In order to be successful online you must be passionate, determined and optimistic that you will succeed your goals.

What do advertisers do that you wish they wouldn’t?

Spamming! I wish people would stop spam in my e-mail box and my twitter account with irrelevant products and services that I don’t want. If I wanted them I would phone up and ask for them. Social media sites like Twitter are full of people selling their products to you. The better way is to gain trust and build a relationship first before selling products or services .

What do bloggers do that you wish they wouldn’t?

I wish other bloggers would realise that blogging is about developing a community and helping others. There are many bloggers that are deemed to be selfish and more focused on getting more out of people and helping others. In order to be successful blogger you need to help others. When you help other people you’re more likely to succeed. If you go into the attitude of blogging to make lots of money you’re more likely to be very disappointed with the outcome. The money will always come last. Think of the money as a reward, however to gain a reward you need to offer information and content that people need or want.

Where do you see growth in the blogging field?

I would like to be successful in my field. I work full time employer and I would love to escape working 9-to-5 and work as a freelancer and create my own Internet business. I have a vision of helping others with their websites and blogs.

What new ideas are advertisers coming up with to take advantage of new trends?

Why to use audio and video. Reason being is I am a multimedia designer and like to look for new ways and methods to help people learn and get the message across. Sometimes it is easier to show people plan to write in a blog post. Therefore, video is such a great method of promoting a website or blog. A visual representation does provide another level of interactivity and so much-needed trust that advertises will benefit from.

What do you do to improve the world?

Well to improve the world in Great Britain. I would banish human rights on criminals and give them harsher sentences to make the world a better place. Here is a great quote from out the Einstein to back up my explanation:

“The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”

What do you do that is green?

I do lots of cycling. I enjoy mountain biking in addition it keeps me fit as well. So it is a win-win situation.

What is on your iPod?

Iron maiden, The Killers and lots of dance music. I have a diverse range of music on my iPhone mostly rock and dance. However, I do enjoy the sound of the acoustic guitar some of my favourite guitarists include: Yngwie Malmsteen, Joe Satriani and Carlos Santana.

What are your contact details (email, company, blog, facebook, myspace, forums, etc)?

[email protected] , www.atmmultimedia.com ,

twitter: atmmultimedia

Skype search for my e-mail: [email protected]

Facebook search my e-mail: [email protected]. (There’s way too many James King’s)

How do you prefer to communicate?

I like Skype, or even text messaging. My skype is [email protected] and you will find me. Plus talking face to face is the greatest but it is not always possible.

Who would you recommend, and why?

1. Salwa at Blogriffic.com (I love you Salwa). She is a great blogger and an excellent designer.

2. Nicolas Prudhon – A great SEO consultant he is very good at his craft. (http://www.nicolasprudhon.com/ )

3. Heart Internet one of the best hosting companies around. They are a UK based web hosting company, but they bleed quality customer service.

4. Lax from Techzoomin.com. He is a good friend of mine, been there since day one and a great blogger. I can’t say a bad word about him a driven blogger that has always been there for me.

5. Problogger the information is very wealthy and a pleasure to read. Plus it is a great place to gain inspiration for other blog posts.

6. Smart-traffic.co.uk one of the UK’s best SEO companies. You can learn a lot from the SEO specialists and they are willing to help you.

What is one thing people can do for you?

Ask me a question that they need answering about: blogging, SEO, new media and I will write a blog post about it and even talk about their question on my podcast.

Blogging Tips Blogging, Online Marketing, SEO, Web Design with James King from the ATM Multimedia Blog
see also SEO Consultancy, www.seotraining.org.uk

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