Personal Branding Blog Top Ten, Personal Branding Blog Reviews
Personal Branding is a hot topic, especially with people who exist in the social media and online worlds. But finding people and blogs who can help you figure out your strategy and how to do the best personal branding you can do can be tough. Here is a
Personal Branding Blog Top Ten:
1. Dan Schawbel
The Personal Branding guru, Dan knows how to make it happen. He has been interviewed on this topic by network TV and the New York Times and writes fantastic advice and blog posts. His book Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success is a must read for the new business era.
2. Personal Branding Blog
Rob is a leadership consultant who works with people moving into leadership roles within their organisation. He keeps a great blog updated weekly and has a free download called: “3 Secret Steps to Creating the Professional Career You Deserve.”
3. The Personal Branding Blog
Started in 2005 by William Arruda, this blog is now a collective project of several Reach-Certified Personal Branding Strategists. They look at how to incorporate personal branding strategies into everything a business does.
4. Personal PR
This is a great personal blog by Tiffany Monhollon who explains it simply, “This blog is really about two very simple ideas: building relationships and sharing ideas.”
5. Work Life Nation
Written by Judy Martin, this blog has a subtitle of: Success, Serentity and Significance 24/7. Powerful perspective from a seasoned news journalist.
6. The Emerging Professional
Written by Chandlee Bryan, a former Ivy League Career Counselor, Recruiter, and Resume Specialist for Microsoft’s “My Resume Talks,” this blog is great for people who are starting out in their career or planning their next launch.
7. Branding Personality
They say it best: “Branding Personality is an online marketing agency for real people, who need to become the go-to person for their added value in this world. I believe each one of us has a talent that is given to them to use for the best of themselves on this earth in this life.”
8. Brand-Yourself
Run and written by some impressive college students, Brand-Yourself is aimed at people getting ready to enter the work arena for the first time. They are collectively campaigning to be College Entrepreneur of the Year.
9. Free Personal Branding Blog
This one hasn’t been updated since April, but it’s notable because it focuses on empowering women. They say the purpose of the blog is, to “level the playing field” and to empower women and like- minded men in business and careers.”
10. Practice Marketing your Expertise
This is focused on people who are already established in their field who want to expand their client base and become more successful in their field.
7 comments on “Personal Branding Blog Top Ten, Personal Branding Blog Reviews”
Hey, thanks so much for including me on this great list! A few names there I need to check out myself!
Thank you for considering us a top 10 personal branding blog among the other great ones. We’re hoping to win College Entrepreneur of The Year and take it to the next level!
Hey, thanks so much for including me on this great list! Very nice blog
Hey just found myself on this list. Thanks for putting me on the list – it’s always good to know people appreciate the hard work
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