Dennis Yu thinks he can give blogging tips, can he?
“Every few days I go into Google Analytics to see what’s driving traffic to my site……And found that I was ranking #2 out of 58,300,000 results, with the #1 result being Facebook themselves. Here’s what I’ve learned: if Google thinks your blog is good enough to rank on a competitive keyword, then by all means you should blog more about that keyword and related keywords. And found that I was ranking #2 out of 58,300,000 results, with the #1 result being Facebook themselves. Here’s what I’ve learned: if Google thinks your blog is good enough to rank on a competitive keyword, then by all means you should blog more about that keyword and related keywords.”
Read the full post Blogging tips: Let Google tell you what topics to write about but Dennis gives 4 other points.
-How many hits you’re getting? – if you want traffic, leave it if it is only getting a few hits.
-What position you rank? – if you rank number one leave it.
-The quality of those hits? Are those people bouncing and so google will slowly sink your post.
-Whether those keywords have economic value.
This is a great post by Dennis that I wanted to share with you all, it is well worth subscribing to his blog.
What I would add to this:
-If you are getting traffic on that post and you want to be in that conversation then use to find alternatives and write about them to make sure you are covering topic areas that people searching for that topic are looking for.
-Google likes related content so by writing more on your blog about it you will get more weight.
-If you write several posts on the same topic consider making a category.
-If you have several posts on the same topic interlink them which can help you rank.
-Guest post on other blogs, you can link to your post, generate audience, that post make even rank higher that your posts and if both post rank you have twice the chance of being in the conversation. One more thing! If you are found on every slot having guest posted, been interviewed all over the net about your topic you will look like the leads in discussion about that topic. Sometimes it even looks stronger if you are seen writing on third party blogs about a topic, you may want to try and get their blog post to rank above yours.
Are you a blogger reading this? What can you add?
Dennis Yu – thanks for getting me started, you give great blogging tips
5 comments on “Dennis Yu thinks he can give blogging tips”
First of all, these are great tips! It pretty much takes care of any real brainstorming I need to do to come up with great content!
I have a lot of homework to do now, thanks a lot for that, Murray.
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