Social Media Monitoring Tools:
Lessons From My Own Search
Social Media Monitoring Services enable you, your company or your brand to listen to and participate in online conversations. They have gained popularity over the last few years and their insight and analysis they offer can be crucial to being a meaningful part of the online conversation. But if you are starting from zero, where do you begin?
Earlier this year I set out to research and choose a social media monitoring service for an online affiliate business that I was working with. I knew nothing to begin with, so I started by looking at everything from the free services to the big names in social media monitoring (at the time, I didn’t know they were the big names)
To start, I looked at several services that came up in my initial searches: Visible Technologies, Radian6, SM2 (by Techrigy), Biz360, BuzzLogic, Trackur, and Social Mention.
Lesson #1: Free Services vs. Paid Services
Early on I learned that Social Mention is a search engine that works like Google, searching all social media on the web. Displayed results can be filtered into categories but users cannot perform sub-searches. It’s a free service that is one of many and only searches one part of the Internet. Some of the free searches check blogs, others forums, and others micromedia like Twitter. For more about the free tools, many of which are included in the paid options, check out Dan Schawbel’s great post with Mashable about Free Brand Monitoring Tools. It’s from late 2008, but still a great place to start.
The larger services are paid services that have built their own filters, collection and display software. (A few months after this search made a Top Ten Social Media Monitoring Tools Review post that is a great place to start and want to do some comparing of your own. Interestingly enough, the only two companies who commented on our article were SM2 (@cbensen) and Radian6 (@ambercadabra), so that in and of itself should be a recommendation for each of them!)
Lesson #2: Size Matters.
I tried to contact Visible Technologies, Radian6, BuzzLogic and Biz360, SM2 and Trackur to find out more about their services.
• Visible Technologies: Starts at $10,000/ month- they recommended that I look at a service geared toward a smaller company.
• Radian6: Starts at $600/ month and goes up quickly. I set up a demo with Marc Whitchurch (@MarcWhitchurch).
• BuzzLogic: Non-responsive for demo at time of writing.
• Biz360: Non-responsive for demo.
• SM2 from Techrigy: Starts at $500/ month. I set up a demo with Ahad (@Ahad_Kamal).
• Trackur: Online Demo
Lesson #3: Looking Good
Seeing the demos was enlightening. I have a lot of different searches and aggregated feeds that get sent to me through Google alerts, RSS feeds and other updates- but the monitoring tools I saw- Radian6 and SM2- are both visually and functionally fantastic. Everything about what they do makes more sense. Get the demos.
Lesson #4 What Do Services Search?
I didn’t think about this at the time, but knowing what services focus on and where they get the results they provide would be good information. I would have asked different companies to search for the same keywords during their demos. Different social media monitoring services generate results using different tools, crawlers and filters so your results will vary for the same terms and keywords depending on which service you use. Ken Burbary wrote a great post called The Dirty Little Secret of Social Media Monitoring earlier this year that does a side-by-side comparison of Radian6 and Techrigy. Well worth the read, and the comment conversation has some great perspective and reactions from the companies.
Lesson #5: Digging Even Deeper
I asked a lot of questions and learned a lot through the demos and personal research. If I were to do it again I would have a much better idea of what to ask and how to find out what the service could do for me. Whether you have been using a social media monitoring tool for a while and want to reevaluate or want to do a thorough search to choose a new service, Jennifer from ScoutLabs has a great new post on how to dig deeper to find out which social media monitoring tool is best for you called Advanced Questions That You Should Be Asking Your Brand Monitoring Vendor. Great post that pushes the envelope.
My Take- The Quick & Dirty:
Visible Technologies: Great marks from Forrester. They do big accounts, so if you have a lot to monitor, look to them. If you’re just doing yourself or a small business, look somewhere else. They got a high ranking on the Forrester Wave report so we may want to switch to them when we get bigger.
Radian6: They get high marks from Forrester. Also, great visuals and bells and whistles on the service. The costs are higher than other services but their interface is just plain cool. And the do a great demo.
SM2 from Techrigy: When I first set out to find a social media monitoring tool, I was impressed with the response time from SM2. Fast and friendly. They responded to me with sales and tech people and spent almost 2 hours with me over 2 days. @cbensen is the best customer service rep I’ve had the pleasure of working with in a long time.
Trackur: Solid service and for economic rates. They don’t offer the tech and strategy support that other services do, but if you are willing to deal with bumps along the road or have a solid idea of how to use their service on your own it’s a great option.
My Final Call:
(For an online business with an e-commerce website, 4 employees, 300 affiliate partners at 3 months old and growing)
I recommend that we get SM2. Their people were the most responsive and their plan seems the most economical and appropriate. Other programs were good but are either too expensive for what we have to spend or don’t offer the tech/ strategy support we need since we were just starting out.
The Plan I Chose: SM2 From Techrigy
• $500/ month, Unlimited profiles, user logins and keyword searches.
• All results are exportable.
• We can set up repeating searches to update every morning (or more often)
• Real-time alert feed to a Google Reader so we know about conversations as they happen.
I would love to hear if you have done a similar search, who you chose and why, and what you think. Leave your stories in the comments.
Extra Lesson #6: Monitoring the Monitors
I recently found a blog called Impact Watch that updates each week with all of the new blog posts about social media monitoring. It’s a great way to see everything new about the Social Media Monitoring Tools that happens each week.
Social Media Monitoring Tools – A buyer’s guide
Note this is a few weeks old – Murray
Edit 9/10/09 see also Social Media Monitoring Tools – A buyer’s guide 2
53 comments on “Social Media Monitoring Tools – A buyer’s guide”
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Great post Scott, very helpful. In addition to the comparison chart you posted, I would be very curious to know what your analysis was on the data, specifically the accuracy of the data. Did these tools accurately measure sentiment and influence? It is one thing to have a snazzy dashboard and great customer service, but if you are just getting a data dump then it makes the product useless in the long run, actually the short run :). We have done a lot of analysis on social media monitoring data, specially influence factors – so you might be interested in reading this –
Hi Scott,
I was scratching my head as to why I didn’t respond to your original post. Then I saw the date and realized that I was on a cruise ship in Alaska at that time. So sorry for that.
I’m not sure if you tried to reach us for more details on Trackur, but I see that some of your information is incorrect. I hope you’ll allow me to share some info.
1. With $197 a month plan, we offer unlimited Profiles.
2. We don’t restrict the number of users either. Sure, we do provide just a single log-in, but that can be used be multiple users.
3. There is no limit to the number of posted returns. The 150 number references the number of keywords actively monitored. For each of those keywords, we provide unlimited returns.
4. Our plans update every 30 minutes, not 1 hour.
Thanks again for your favorable review of Trackur. If you’d like to take another test drive, please let me know.
Andy Beal
Thank you for your comments and corrections.
It’s fantastic that you’ve shared your process in finding a social media monitoring service. I think there are many companies that are not sure how to go about it and this will be quite helpful. As you found in your research, there is a wide offering of services, so companies of all sizes should be able to find a provider to meet their needs.
I’m so glad that you find helpful my “Top Social Media Monitoring and Measurement Posts of the Week”. While it doesn’t include EVERY blog and article on the industry, I try to include anything that could be helpful to companies learning about media monitoring. If anyone is looking for more, I do post nearly exhaustive coverage on the @impactwatch Twitter account.
Look for the next posting tomorrow (and each Friday). It will certainly include an excellent Social Media Monitoring service buyer’s guide 🙂
Hannah Del Porto
Hi Scott-
Valerie from BuzzLogic here. Great round up! Apologies for not getting your original request – we are in the midst of redesigning our site and it appears one of the links was broken.
A quick update for you: BuzzLogic has shifted its focus wholly on the media business – our analysis is available to advertisers (brands & agencies) who run campaigns with us, but we are no longer offering standalone monitoring software on a subscription basis. More available here:
Again – great review of the players in the space!
Valerie Combs
[email protected]
Nice assessment of the leading social media monitoring tools and your buying process. I’m sure many people will find it very helpful. Selecting the right tool is just the start. You need to provide the same diligence in learning the tool and separating the signal from the noise. That’s where the fun begins! Otherwise, it’s just pretty graphs.
Warren Sukernek
Partner & VP Strategies
Hi Scott. I’d like to clarify a couple of things.
In your table, under # of posted returns, you mentioned we (Radian6) return 5000 posts. The number is actually 10,000 and importantly, it is 10,000 -new- items per month with infinite data storage.
Let me explain. If your defined topic returned 10,000 items every month, month over month, then the number of ‘stored results’ for your topic grows by 10,000 every month.
At the end of 6 months in Radian6, you would have access to all 60,000 posts. At the end of 2 years, you can do analysis on all 240,000 posts. And this continues indefinitely. Stay with the service at the $500 topic level, and you have access to year over year analysis on hundreds of thousands of results.
This is different than other models you pointed out, where the monthly fee you are paying gives you access to 20,000 posts total. Once you reach that number, you either need to remove results or pay additional feeds to store more.
On the Updates section of the table, our results are not updated on 60 minute cycles, rather, we strive for as real-time a results as possible, but this depends the sources of the information.
Further, we also offer real-time alerts, which contain elaborate workflow and internal note functionality.
Let me know if you’d like further details.
Sorry you had problems getting a demo with us (Biz360). We have configurations geared towards small businesses as well as enterprise customers. For comparison we offer 5 topics for $399/month (month-to-month commitment). We limit the results to 5,000 per day (not per month) allowing our users to have a clear picture of their coverage.
Would love to show you a demo or give you a free trial account. Please let me know.
All the Best,
Darian Shimy, Biz360
I know Darian Shimmy reached out to you about a free trial or demo of our product. Please contact me and I will be happy to provide you with anything you need. I apologize for any trouble you had. I am looking forward to you seeing Community Insights.
Eric M. Israel
Vice President of Sales
Biz360, Inc.
Office: 603-424-1055
Cell: 603-493-3621
Mail to: [email protected]
Follow me on Twitter:
Nice list. I have done a similar search on free brand monitoring tools for Twitter.
We’d be happy to give you a demo of Spark, a customized approach to social media monitoring that gives you the ability to monitor, manage, and grow your brand in real-time.
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