Emma Kupiak Affiliate Manager at www.Neverblue.com
Emma Kupiak is an Affiliate Manager with Neverblue. She’s been with a part of the Neverblue team for just under a year. She started as a Network Assistant supporting the Client Service team before moving into an Affiliate support role.
What are some of the challenges of being an Affiliate Manager?
There was a lot to learn about the industry! Starting as a Network Assitant gave me a good understanding of both the Affiliate and Advertiser sides of the Network, and helped me grow into a great Affiliate Manager. Managing so many of my own accounts was the first big challenge – and still is.
I know a lot of my Affiliates are working 24/7 monitoring and optimizing their campaigns, and need a very responsive Affiliate Manager. I make myself available whenever my Affiliates need me. For example…
A couple months ago I had gone to Edmonton for the weekend. At about 10:00pm on Friday night one of my Affiliates really needed to get approved for some offers and negotiate payouts. I got on a computer in the business center of my hotel and was on the phone for an hour getting him what he needed before the weekend. He was very happy with my availability.
What’s a nice thing an Affiliate has said/written to you?
When I first started with one of my Affiliates he would always start his emails with “Dear AM Emma”. He was fairly new to Affiliate Marketing so I gave him some extra attention. He started to run a few things with little success in a difficult niche. We started trying out a few new verticals and finally got something to work for him. He had reached his personal goal within the first 2 months of working with me and the emails now start with “Dear Best AM Emma”. J
What benefits/resources can you offer Affiliates that some might not even know about?
I’m always willing to give extra help in a few ways, you just have to ask!
With so many Affiliates exploring promotions outside of their home country, language barriers are a big challenge. Affiliates can come to me if they need help translating ad copy. Our quickest turnaround in translations would be for French, Italian, German, and Spanish, but no matter the language we can have it translated.
When Affiliates are looking to try a different type of campaign on the Network, they may not know where to start. They could also ask me for top converting offers in specific countries or across different promo types.
Finding new traffic sources can also be challenging, and I know of different Ad Networks and Social Networks. There are many local traffic sources –for example Nasza Klasa is a huge Polish Social Network, or even Friendster has a large amount of international users, especially in Asia.
We can also help Affiliates get account contacts at Ad Networks if they’re having account problems.
If you are looking to have a banner creative altered, resized or customized we have a great design team that can help in that area. We do have a queue so discuss with me to work out a time frame.
We understand that it is sometimes frustrating cashing cheques in certain countries so I can almost always upgrade payment methods to make receiving payments more convenient.
Our Legal/Compliance department is always up to date on all new rules and regulations whether it is the FTC or the CANPSAM act. If you are ever unsure about any legal or compliance issue, just ask me!
Name three personal items that you keep on or around your desk.
My 3 most personal possessions at my desk are a stickman action figure, a special orange mug and mint Chap Stick!
What animal would you be and why?
Monkey because they get to hang out in the forest all day swinging around.
What is your favourite movie?
Ace Venture Pet Detective
How do you eat an Oreo?
Take the top and bottom apart, eat the middle and then eat the top and bottom.
How to contact Emma?
Email emma.kupiak@(nospam)neverblue.com (take out the no spam)
Twitter: http://twitter.com/neverblue
Skype eakupiak
AIM neverblueemma
Yahoo neverblueemma
3 comments on “Emma Kupiak Affiliate Manager at Neverblue”
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Emma Kupiak Affiliate Manager at Neverblue [link to post]
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RT @tweetmeme Emma Kupiak Affiliate Manager at Neverblue | Murray Newlands – Marketing Blog [link to post]
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Emma is one of the best . She puts real effort into helping even the newest affiliates have successful campaigns! Highly recommended AM.
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