Nice blog by the way! Strange one this but two reasons I’m here.
Firstly, I’m a part time affiliate myself so like to keep abreast of the industry and what’s happening.
Secondly, by day I’m an IT Recruiter in the web and online media world. Was wondering whether there might be an angle for us to potentially work together in the future?
4 comments on “Market Leverage fans”
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Murray Newlands: Market Leverage fans [link to post] (via @affdump)
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Hi Murray
Nice blog by the way! Strange one this but two reasons I’m here.
Firstly, I’m a part time affiliate myself so like to keep abreast of the industry and what’s happening.
Secondly, by day I’m an IT Recruiter in the web and online media world. Was wondering whether there might be an angle for us to potentially work together in the future?
You can drop me a line at [email protected]
Thanks for coming to our holiday party Murray. Sorry you had so many dates, there must have been some sort of mix up…
Dina how could I resist a party with so many HOT women 🙂
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