Heather Eigler of Home To Heather An Interview
Heather has been well known for her blog Maternal Spark where featured bloggers either via interviews or guest posts. She went out of her way to promote them besides her blog posts. She has just started a new blog, Home To Heather, where she is focusing on herself, her family and her own writing. She also has a very interesting take on product reviews, which you will read further in this post.
Tell me about your Blog –
Home to Heather (http://www.hometoheather.com) is a new site where I speak about my life in Calgary Canada. I’m taking a more personal approach with this one. My last site (MaternalSpark.com) was mostly about other people. I felt stifled so I decided to let it go and just be me. I’m very excited to be doing my own thing.
What was your first blog?
My first blog was on blogger and it was called Phantom Keyboard (it seems funny to me now!) I started it in 2004 but it has long been put to rest. I have managed to keep a few loyal readers from that site and I’m so grateful for those relationships.
What is the biggest tip you would give to product reviewers?
98% of the time you’re getting the short end of the stick when it comes to product reviews. Don’t feel obligated to take something on just because someone pitches you. Do your audience proud and respect their attention. Do you really think they want to read a 400 word post about applesauce? Maybe they do, but you have to make that judgment call with them in mind.
Are you contacted by advertisers or do you contact them or both?
I pretty well never pitch companies. I get a lot of stuff in my email box though. Some of it I wouldn’t touch with the proverbial 10 ft pole. Some of them are quality opps and I pass those on to bloggers I feel would be a better fit than me. I’m not really interested in doing reviews anymore and have decided to put the kibosh on giveaways. I’m looking ahead to 2010 as a chance to really put myself out there and if I connect sincerely with an advertiser then that’s great. I’d love more of a partnership type of relationship instead of rapid fire reviewing.
What is your favorite product that you have reviewed?
Get Me Going CD because I got the most adorable video of my two year old daughter dancing to it. It’s still live if anyone wants to watch her boogie.
What do advertisers do that you wish they wouldn’t/ do that you like?
I love that they see the value bloggers can provide. I wish advertisers would take the time to reach out and gauge interest or compatibility. We might find a great fit with a client other than the one whose press release they are about to send to me.
What do bloggers do that you wish they wouldn’t/do that you like?
It drives me crazy when bloggers compete. There’s room for all of us and we should be openly sharing information and growing as a group. Don’t base your self worth on the antics of others. Be yourself and it will all work out.
What advertiser would you like to work with given a chance?
I’d love to do something on a local level.
Where do you see growth in the blogging field?
I see bloggers taking on more of a consulting role and working direct with companies.
What is one thing about you that not many people know?
I love to play Rock Band – but only if I can be the singer
What’s your favorite book?
This is an impossible question, I love to read and have many favorites – most recently it’s been The Way The Crow flies by Ann-Marie MacDonald.
What is on your iPod?
Them Crooked Vultures, AudioSlave, Tragically Hip
What are your contact details?
heather.eigler(nospam)@gmail.com Remove the nospam
What events do you attend?
I’ve never been to a social media event.
How do you prefer to communicate?
Hands down, email.
Who would you recommend, and why?
I won’t recommend individuals but would rather give a shout out to my herd at MomDot.com So many fab bloggers call the forums home and I’d be lost without them all.
What is one thing people can do for you?
Stop by my new blog at Home To Heather and tell me what you think of the new digs.
18 comments on “Heather Eigler of Home To Heather An Interview”
Twitter Comment
I’ve been interviewed 🙂 [link to post] thanks @murraynewlands and @conniefoggles
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RT @HomeToHeather: I’ve been interviewed 🙂 http://bit.ly/9qmfIH thanks @murraynewlands and @conniefoggles
Great interview Heather! I didn’t know you like to play Rock Band and be the singer. It’s fun to learn new things about fellow bloggers.
RT @HometoHeather: I’ve been interviewed 🙂 http://bit.ly/9qmfIH thanks @murraynewlands and @conniefoggles
Rock on. I agree that “review bloggers” need to learn to stop competing. It’s not your site vs their site. It’s just … your site. What can you bring to yourself and your readers. Be inspired and know your audience.
*snort* herd.
Great interview heather. You are a wonderful person and a great blogger
I prefer the drums in rock band but only cause I’m embarassed to sing in front of people.
I had no idea you had a blog way back in the older days of 2004!
Love the interview! I like Rock Band too 🙂
Fabulous interview. I love Heather and I think you sound perfect! 🙂
Rock Band, really? Cool!
Glad you enjoyed the interview Amanda. We do these to highlight bloggers and share their stories. Let us know if you’re interested in taking part.
Hi Erin, We’re trying to give review bloggers a place to spotlight their blogs here. We thing they rock!
I’m sure that Heather checked out the comments here, Trisha, especially to see your snort and your compliment 🙂
See what you can learn from interviews, Kim?
Hi Kim, thanks for the comment. Come on back to see the other interviews we do.
We think that Heather sounds perfect too Petula. Not sure about how she sounds on Rock Band though.
Heather I just visited your site very nice. Murry great interview, and now I have one more blog that I will have to read every day.
Awww, you did a great interview of my spoon girl!! (inside joke) Thank you.
I’m one of the “herd” she spoke of. LOL I love interviews like this. I love to find out odd tidbits about my blogging friends.
But she forgot to tell you about her pet moose…
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