The BlogUp Las Vegas the good the bad and the ugly
Photos by Steve Hall
We generated lots of intrest and about 60 people showed up for the event. The BlogUP at ASW did not go quite as we had expected but it turned out good in the end. The rain forced the Rio to change the location of the meet up from the VooDoo Lounge. The delay and the move did lead to a few ugly tweets, however Eric Petersen came the rescue and the free Champaign in the I-Bar went down well. Now it was a shame that the event did not turn out quite the way that we had planned it but it did succeed in bringing together bloggers from the conference to meet up and exchange ideas. Soon people were tweeting #RIOwin.
My thanks to Eric Petersen and the team at the Harrah’s Entertainment and to everyone for coming.
3 comments on “The BlogUp Las Vegas the good the bad and the ugly”
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Murray Newlands: The BlogUp Las Vegas the good the bad and the ugly [link to post] (via @affdump)
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Thanks for pulling this together! Even though it wasn’t as expected, it was a good chance to meet some fellow bloggers. I spent so much time during the conference talking about the monetization aspects of my sites that it was nice to hang out and talk plug-ins, SEO, etc. I also had conversations with people whom I would not have otherwise met at the conference. I’d love to see another one in NY in August.
Murray, you had a GREAT turnout! I hope you and Eric continue the BlogUp at every convention you attend. It’s a great way to get to know other bloggers and I did meet quite a few people I wouldn’t have otherwise. I love that ‘everyone’ is jumping into blogging and bloggers are gaining popularity with the media. Thanks so much to the RIO for coming through with the champagne 🙂
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