In San Francisco this Friday, March 5, Artfulchange will use green social media marketing to raise money for Connect the Dots. Artfulchange is a Bay Area nonprofit that uses the arts to create events to raise money for other Bay Area nonprofits- this Friday, March 5, they host a Benefit Concert featuring the Jay Trainer Band and The San Francisco Review for a night of fun and support for greening Non-Profits.
5:30 – Visual arts gallery reception & HAPPY HOUR
7:00 – Jay Trainer Band | Jay Trainer YouTube Channel
8:30 – The San Fran Review featuring *bernadette* & Pamela Parker!
Location: Root Division (Map) 3175 17th Street (at South Van Ness) San Francisco, CA 94110
RSVP on Facebook
Connect the Dots is a Bay Area nonprofit that helps other Bay Area nonprofits reduce their environmental impact as they deliver on their social missions.
As Maikhanh Nguyen, founding director of Connect the Dots, says:
“We recognize that we enjoy the luxury to not be overwhelmed with other operational responsibilities and emergencies to concentrate efforts in energy efficiency, water conservation, waste diversion, and responsible purchasing. Also, we have access to utility bills across multiple facilities which enable us to identify these savings opportunities to spread from one organization to another.”
At the event, Connect the Dots will feature their 3-month Green Start program concentrating on easy conservation practices yielding deep impact to “jump start” organizations towards sustainability. Their services include connecting nonprofits to single-issue incentive programs that diminish their ecological footprint and generate near-term financial savings, with a focus on under-resourced and critical Bay Area communities. Why? Because they recognize that their constituents are typically most vulnerable to environmental degradation and catastrophes.
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