Kasandria Reasoner of Southern Bella’s Ways To Save An Interview
Kasandria or Kas writes about a bit of everything with her own twist. You’re sure to find her own voice in all of her posts whether she’s writing about blogging tips, affiliate marketing or reviewing products. She’s even added something extra to her disclosure policy. Love it!
Tell me about your Blog-
My blog Southern Bella’s Ways To Save is a mixture of Reviews, Giveaways, Ways To Save and Earn Money in Today’s Economy, with Sprinklings of a Southern Mom Blogger thrown in.
What was your first blog?
Southern Bella’s Ways To Save
What is the biggest tip you would give to product reviewers?
Learn to say no. Every opp and campaign sounds great, but think ahead or you will only stress yourself out.
Are you contacted by companies or PR companies or do you contact them or both?
Now that I’m established most of the companies contact me. I’ll only pitch a company if it’s something I really would like to personally try out.
What do you consider an “established” blogger?
To me an “Established Blogger” is someone who has been blogging 6 months or more. You know the in’s and out’s so to speak. It’s NOT someone who makes the most money or who is the most popular at all. It’s feeling like you have accomplished your own personal goals and are striving for more.
What is your favorite product that you have reviewed?
A tie between my HP Photosmart Printer with Touchscreen or Disney World.
What do companies or PR companies do that you wish they wouldn’t/ do that you like?
I wish they would be more open to things other than a simple review or giveaway. Let us figure out a new way to promote your product to our target audience that is different.
What do bloggers do that you wish they wouldn’t/do that you like?
I wish bloggers stayed true to themselves more. 2 big things every blogger should remember. Don’t sell yourself short and remember your readers come first.
Blogger, Graphic Designer, and Virtual Assistant
Southern Bella’s Ways To Save
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: http://twitter.com/waystosave
What is one thing people can do for you?
Stop by my blog and twitter and say hi! I love to meet new people.
6 comments on “Kasandria Reasoner of Southern Bella’s Ways To Save an Interview”
I was interviewed by @ConnieFoggles for @MurrayNewlands Blog. Go check it out! http://tinyurl.com/y89y8ze
Love Kassie and Southern Bellas!
I love Kas and all the things I learn and take from her blog. She is a definite inspiration to me as well as person to be admired!
Kass rocks!
Kas does awesome work both as a graphic artist and a VA. She’s helped me in a bind a few times.
from one King fan to another…great interview Kas!
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