Take Your Affiliate Marketing Efforts To The Next Level With A Video Sitemap
Being an affiliate marketer you would be more than aware that video marketing over the last twelve months has grown enormously…Right!
Every affiliate marketer is either using video marketing or promoting the use of it. They use video squeeze pages to sell affiliate products on their own sites or simply upload their videos to video sharing sites on the Internet. You only have to take a look at Youtube or any of the other video sharing sites to see what I am talking.
What most of these affiliate marketers and anyone who actually has a website has not realized yet is that they are losing good search engine listings by uploading all of their videos to the many video sharing sites…
This article is for any affiliate marketer or website owner that either uses a WordPress blog or Joomla to promote products and services online.
Here’s Why…
Are you aware that Google now allows you to upload a video sitemap into your webmaster tools account which acts exactly the same as your xml sitemap where all your pages indexed? There is nothing new there, right?
Well from first impression you might be thinking yeah so what; I have submitted hundreds of pages to Google Sitemaps and nothing really special has happened; and you would be right in saying that.
But before you close this page and forget about looking at this video sitemap in detail you might want to have a look at this screen shot below…
As you can see, Google really likes video in its search index and will index video super fast as well giving you a definite edge when it comes to competing against others in your marketplace. The screen shot of our video you see above was indexed within a day and is ranked #2 as you can see out of 16,900,000 other websites.
So Who Created The Google Video Sitemap?
I first come across this WordPress plugin the video sitemap around a month ago and after extensive testing not just on my WordPress blog but others as well I thought it only fair to share this information with Murray’s readers too…
The Google video sitemap is the brain child of a marketer called Mark Dulisse who is also the creator of an online course called Dominating Google which by the way is a very in-depth, no-hype, to the point online marketing course. Mark has also created other very effective WordPress plugins which I will discuss in later articles.
This is guest post from Ron, owner and author of Affiliatexfiles.com, which gives affiliates and anyone looking to be successful online the information and facts they need without the cost or the hype… Follow Us on Twitter @Affiliatexfiles
Note from GrowMap: Also check out Ron’s posts and videos on How to Become an Affiliate Marketer, advanced Article Marketing and his WordPress How-To Video and Facebook How-to Video.
5 comments on “Why Affiliate Marketers Need Video Sitemaps”
When you add Technorati Tags to your post, it will be listed in Technorati’s tag search, it will allow more people to find your blog, brings more traffic from Technorati, and also increases the keyword density of your post.
First time I heard about Video Google Map. Thanks for the info
That’s indeed a great trick Ron! I never heard of that one before, since most videos that rank on search engine result pages are from youtube. The best thing about that strategy is that traffic directly comes to the website, without the need of having them converted from video sharing sites. Will definitely try that video sitemap plugin immediately. Thanks Ron!
Jason Acidre
Hey Jason
Hello again…
Yes I was very skeptical about this when I first heard about a video sitemap, especially that you would be competing against Youtube.
However my curiosity got the better of me so I purchased the worhdpress plugin and now I am very happy that I did get the video sitemap plugin.
If you do a search for “clickbank review” you can see the video with my URL showing not a shared video site URL.
I also believe that there is also a video sitemap plugin for Joomla as well now.
You can also see some other results I have received at my site http://www.affiliatexfiles.com/google-video-sitemap/
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