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email statistics that may shock you

email statistic 1) In 2001 nearly 12 billion email messages were sent every day  Jupiter Communications

email statistic 2) In 2009 247 billion emails are sent each day. That’s one email every 0.00000035 seconds.

email statistic 3) $7.3 billion in 2005 was spent on commercial email in 2005 – Jupiter Communications

email statistic 4) $13.4 billion: the number of direct marketing dollars forecast to go on email in the US in 2009.

email statistic 5) $583 billion: the return from that investment if you use DMA figures on email marketing ROI. That’s four times the market value of Microsoft.

email statistic 6) 51% of affiliates collect email addresses – Shawn Collins

email statistic 7) 12 the number of email sign ups this blog has received in 24 hours.

email statistic 8) 4320 the number of email sign ups this blog would receive in a year at that rate.

email statistic 9) Lots, the number that will turn into with current growth.

email statistic 10) Lots, the number of email subscribers that have been missed because I have online just added the subscription box.

email statistic 11) Lots, the money lost due to my failing to collect emails earlier. 

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