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A Twitter entry for your blog giveaway is a must. Requesting entrants to tweet about your giveaway is one of the best means of promotion. Adding “RT PL” which is Retweet Please to the end of the tweet makes it go even farther. As people retweet and it enters new tweet streams more people are likely to continue to help advance your information and link to your blog post.

You can use any form of a Twitter button to share your post or you can write your tweet and require that the tweet be used exactly as written. Some bloggers use their own Twitter ID in their tweet to track their tweets. Some use bit.ly or su.pr instead. Both the Twitter ID and a tracking link can be used together too. You can also have an entry for your readers to follow you on Twitter. This will help you gain more followers. Be sure to follow them back.

Adding a Twitter entry to your blog giveaway is a sure means to gaining traffic to your blog, to promoting your giveaway and to tracking your links.

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